About Rose

My name is Rose Amer (said like Aim-er, not like Ah-mer). I'm a twenty-something, born-and-bred New Yorker, who currently attends Northwestern University near Chicago, studying English Literature and Film.

This is not a lifestyle blog. In order for it to be a lifestyle blog, I would have to have some vague idea of how to properly function as an adult human being - and I do not. The world is full of fart jokes and I'm still laughing at that vine of a banana singing Whitney Houston, so I'm not about to give you any profound life advice. What I will do instead, is provide you with (hopefully) humorous stories about how I really don't understand what I'm doing but here I am, doing it anyway.

I spend most of my time wishing that I'll just wake up some day as Mindy Kaling. Thus far, it has been inconclusive. Do I also wish that a beturtlenecked Patrick Dempsey would sit, waiting for me in a ski lodge and present me with hot chocolate and a wood-burning fire after a long day of work as the CEO of a lumber mill? Sure. But am I gonna talk about it on this blog? Yeah, definitely, that's actually something that I talk about a lot and I'm starting to think my friends resent it (deal with it, nerds).


Remember that episode of 30 Rock when Liz tried to be Carrie Bradshaw? That's what this will be. Expect ramblings, posts that read like they came straight out of my middle school diary, reviews, and probably a lot of me talking about how much I love potatoes.

On occasion, I perform stand-up and improv, so follow me on social media to see when those things are happening if you want to come! Between January - June of 2015, I will be living in London reenacting Michelle Trachtenberg's role in the (not) oscar-nominated (but should have been) film Eurotrip.

Catch ya on da flippity flop

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