Wednesday, January 28, 2015

90s Hip-Hop Playlist

My taste in music tends to run the whole gamut, but if there's anything I can count on - it's Bruce Springsteen and 90s hip-hop.

If I could get Biggie Smalls' face tattooed on my face without it being morally and socially reprehensible, then I would. But while I'm waiting for that to become acceptable, I made a Spotify playlist. Actually, I made this playlist for a 90s themed party that I went to a couple months ago. I rolled in lookin' like Bobby from Twin Peaks and I was very excited. And some girl  had the nerve to ask me if I could play any Waka Flocka Flame and I almost imploded.

It's pretty ~mainstream~ and there are some random not-totally-hip-hop songs, but if you're looking for throwback memz – this might be worth it.

(If you're about to tell me that some of these songs aren't from the right time period, don't. 'Cause we all know the 90s ended in 2003).

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