Thursday, December 4, 2014

I'm About To Carrie Bradshaw This B*tch

In real life, I would not have bleeped myself. In fact, I probably would have added more curse words. But the blogosphere seems to be populated by the most put-together people on the planet, so I thought I should class it up.
Hey, dress for the job you want, right? (I'm wearing a shirt with Bill Murray's face on it, so I'm not really sure what that means).

About a year ago, I started a blog. Not this one, a different one. I wrote a decent number of posts and I liked doing it, but it got eclipsed by school and other things. Last week, I thought to myself, "Hey, Rose. You should start blogging again. That would be good for you." So I went to my blog, tried to log in, and realized I forgot what my account was. Not just the password, but the username, too. I could see it. I could see the page, I just couldn't get into it. And I tried everything.

It was all a very resonant, Bradshaw-ian metaphor for my current stage in life: a twenty year old who, for all intents and purposes, feels like an adult but still has to call her dad every time she pays her credit card bill to make sure she's doing it right. A college student who knows what she wants to do, but just has to wait to get there. It's annoying. It's one part alright-I'm-ready-let's-do-this-let's-go and one part mom-I-had-a-bad-dream-can-I-sleep-in-your-bed-tonight.

So here we are, starting fresh. With a new blog. Straight out of the Internet delivery room. (Or something).

I'm not entirely sure what this is going to be, but we'll figure that out later. Expect ramblings, posts that read like they came straight out of my middle school diary, movie reviews, and probably a lot of me talking about how much I love potatoes.

You can also find me elsewhere on the Internet! On YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter.

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